Piazza San Candido

San Candido (BZ) - IT

The quality of the project proposal is based on specific criteria.

First of all the attention to the physical-environmental context and the territorial reality in which the intervention is foreseen. An attention that the project has tried to extend to the immaterial, but real, dimension of the social context with which a public space is necessarily confronted.

Secondly, the attention to history, recalled in the intervention itself. A documented history of 1250 years with marks still evident in the place and in the immediate vicinity. A history that the project has tried to enhance with visual signs, as indicated "time travel".

This approach has generated the need to grasp the values of places in order to carry out a transformation that could improve not only the site of the intervention, but also the immediate surroundings around it. An ambitious and complex objective that the project pursues by introducing a careful search for the quality of public space and its connections.

PROJECT TEAM Arch. Andrea Arlanch
Arch. Alice Bottelli
Arch. Giuseppe Joi Donati
Angelo Ruta – Painter and Artist
TYPOLOGYAccommodation – School – Competition
PHASESConcept Design